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PHI 208 Week 2 Reading Quiz (Variant 7)
1. What does Singer say about finding the basis for moral duties in the “intrinsic dignity” of humanity
2. What is Peter Singer’s point about performing vivisection on mentally disabled human infants?
3. What is Tom Regan’s main criticism of the contractarian approach to ethical duties?
4. Peter Singer’s “basic principles of equality” applied to animals means
5. What does Singer say about other philosophers’ attempts to argue that only humans have moral worth?
6. Tom Regan’s view of animals is that
7. Which of the following does Peter Singer assert about the principle of equality?
8. R.B. Brandt argues that the rules of war which would maximize expectable utility
9. Which of the following does Tom Regan say about the utilitarian approach to animal ethics?
10. In evaluating the potential greatest good of an action, rule utilitarianism looks at
11. According to Jeremy Bentham what should determine whether a being’s interests should be taken into account?
12. The ethical theory of utilitarianism states that an act is ethical if
13. What is Tom Regan’s position about the use of animals in research and agriculture?
14. Tom Regan discusses the concept of indirect duties. Having only indirect duties towards animals means
15. What is the point of Regan’s discussion about Aunt Bea and utilitarianism’s respect for human life?
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