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PHI 103 Week 5 Final Exam (Variant 2)

Penulis : Unknown on пятница, 27 марта 2015 г. | 08:13

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1. The sun in Plato’s allegory is
2. Behind the “veil of color” DuBois claims that, although whites and blacks interacted in specific ways in day to day life in the South, they never:
3. DuBois would most agree with which of the following statements
4. According to Paul and Elder, well-cultivated thinkers have the following attributes:
5. According to DuBois the color line is
6. Thomas just told his friends that the racist jokes he heard them telling at lunch were never acceptable in any context and that he didn’t want to hear them again.  Thomas just displayed which intellectual trait?
7. Although Marquis had been working on research for a year, he listened to the other people at his company as they presented different conclusions after his presentation and examined their ideas in the hope of finding out new information.  Marquis displayed which intellectual virtue?
8. Which of the following standards of thinking relates to how one can verify if the answer to a question or problem is on topic?
9. This is the way that people initially find themselves in the Plato’s cave allegory.
10. DuBois claims that the new owners of industry and business in the South after the Civil War are focused on:
11. Something is a proposition if and only if it has a truth value.
12. Private property is a right of every American
13. Nietzsche collapsed in a square upon seeing a man beat a horse.
14. Do your best.
15. What people love is not the object of desire, but desire itself.
16. Is selfishness a virtue?
17. Because the mind conditions reality, it is impossible to know the thing as such.
18. Men are much less likely to have osteoporosis than women are.
19. The library at the local university has over 300,000 books.
20. Don’t you dare vote for universalized healthcare.
21. It’s December; you should take a coat with you. Even though it’s warm now, it could easily get cold later.
True or False: The statement, “it could get cold later,” is the conclusion of the argument.
22. Football is the best sport. The athletes are amazing, and it is extremely complex.
True or False: This argument has 1 premise.
23. All dogs are warm-blooded. All warm-blooded creatures are mammals. Hence, all dogs are mammals.
True or False: The sentence, “Hence, all dogs are mammals,” is a premise in this argument.
24. If companies are allowed to compete freely and with a minimum of regulation, the most profitable businesses will survive and poorly run businesses will fail. Profitable businesses are better able to contribute to the common good. Therefore it is best for all if we allow business to compete freely and with a minimum of regulation.
True or False: The sentence, “Therefore it is best for all if we allow business to compete freely and with a minimum of regulation,” is a premise in this argument.
25. If you eat candy all that candy then you will get sick. If you get sick then you won’t be able to go to the dance. If you don’t go to the dance you won’t be able to dance with Hilary. If you don’t get to dance with Hilary then you will be miserable. So you shouldn’t eat it.
What is the conclusion of this argument?
26. Since all philosophers are seekers of truth, it follows that no evil human is a seeker after truth, since no philosophers are evil humans.
True or False: The statement, “no evil human is a seeker after truth,” is the conclusion.
27. I know that Stephen has a lot of money. His parents drive Mercedes. His dogs wear cashmere sweaters, and he paid cash for his Hummer.
True or False: The statement, “His parents drive Mercedes,” is the conclusion of the argument.
28. Football is the best sport. The athletes are amazing, and it is extremely complex.
True or False: The second sentence above contains two premises.
29. Coffee is a great drink to have with breakfast.  A hot drink helps your body to warm up, and everybody can use a little extra boost of energy in the morning.
True or False: The statement, “Coffee is a great drink to have with breakfast,” is the conclusion of the argument.
30. Some apples are not bananas.  Some bananas are things that are yellow.  Therefore, some things that are yellow are not apples.
True or False: The statement, “Some bananas are things that are yellow,” is a premise.
31. If Mount Roosevelt was completed in 1940, then it’s only 72 years old.  Mount Roosevelt is not 72 years old.  Therefore, Mount Roosevelt was not completed in 1940.
32. The worldwide use of oil is projected to increase by 33 percent over the next five years.  However, reserves of oil are dwindling at a rapid rate.  That means that the price of oil will drastically increase over the next five years.
33. Almost all the people I know who are translators have their translator’s license from the ATA.  Carla is a translator.  Therefore, she must have a license from the ATA.
34. The economy will not recover any time soon.  Big businesses are struggling to keep their profits high.  This is due to the fact that consumers no longer have enough money to purchase things that are luxuries.  Most of them only buy those things that they need and don’t have much left over.  Those same businesses have been firing employees left and right.  If America’s largest businesses are losing employees, then there won’t be any jobs for the people who are already unemployed.  That means that these people will not have money to pump back into the system and the circle will continued to descend into recession.
35. Heidegger’s works are some of the most difficult to understand.  It takes years and years of reading and studying in order to learn his terminology and the way that he expresses himself.  However, the payoff of learning his expression is a greater understanding of what it means to be a philosopher.
36. I have to go work today.  Then I have to go grocery shopping.  I won’t be back until 9:00 PM tonight.  I think that you should be the one who does the laundry today.
37. Deciduous trees are trees that shed their leaves.  Maple trees are deciduous trees.  Therefore, maple trees will shed their leaves at some point during the growing season.
38. We have to focus all of our efforts on marketing because right now, we don’t have any idea of who our customers are.
39. Since all philosophers are seekers of truth, it follows that no evil human is a seeker after truth, since no philosophers are evil humans.
40. Chances are that I will not be able to get in to see Slipknot since it is an over 21 show, and Jeffrey, James, and Sloan were all carded when they tried to get in to the club.
41. Radio Announcer: “I’ll tell you what, I am appalled that this new bill about the economy is even being looked at by Congress!  The bureaucrats in Washington want us all to just sit around and forget about the fact that every day we are getting closer to losing this great nation.  I think you’ll agree with me that I don’t want our nation to collapse because a bunch of sissies are worried about people who don’t care about our country anyway!
42. “Which are you going to do – help your mother or be a lazy bum?”
43. Spouse: “I know that you get angry a lot.  I’m sure that pretty soon you will hit me or something.  And what are we gonna do when we have kids?  You will probably beat them until they run out of the house and I will be left childless and abused!
44. I wouldn’t listen to Bob.  After all, he’s just a mechanic.
45. Mom: “You shouldn’t have soaped the Crawford’s house Tommy.”
Tommy: “But Jimmy Crawford soaped our house last month.”
46. “We should have prescription drug care – would you want your grandma to suffer?”
47. “I strongly oppose the opposition’s view that we shouldn’t care about our children’s education.”
48. “If Brad Pitt’s children go that elementary school, it must be the best school in Los Angeles.”
49. TV Preacher: “You know…in the Old Testament God told people to give 10% of whatever they had as an offering to Him.  In fact, in one story, God kills 100,000 Israelites because they fail to honor his demands.  This teaching remains true to this day. Now let’s pass around the offering plates.”
50. I am pro-choice because I don’t think that women should have no rights in our society.
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