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PHI 103 Week 2 Quiz 1 (Variant 2)

Penulis : Unknown on пятница, 27 марта 2015 г. | 08:28

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1. Does the nature of reality consist in an ultimately creative impulse?
2. Those who reject equality seek tyranny.
3. Those who cannot support themselves should not be supported by taxpayer dollars.
4. You are taking a quiz.
5. Why are women less likely to have heart attacks?
6. Drive the minivan.
7. What people love is not the object of desire, but desire itself.
8. Don’t you dare vote for universalized healthcare.
9. Michael Jordan was a great football player.
10. Why do we feed so many pounds of plants to animals each year?
11. Are you taking a quiz?
12. Do as we say.
13. Why did Freud hold such strange beliefs about parent-child relationships?
14. Is selfishness a virtue?
15. Because the mind conditions reality, it is impossible to know the thing as such.
16. Do your best.
17. Hey!
18. If you cannot understand the truth value of a claim, then it is not a proposition.
19. A democracy exists if and only if its citizens participate in autonomous elections.
20. I believe that you should do as your parents say.
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