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PHI 208 Week 2 Media Quiz (Variant 6)

Penulis : Unknown on среда, 4 марта 2015 г. | 09:38

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PHI 208 Week 2 Media Quiz (Variant 6)
1. What does Peter Singer say about medical research on animals?
2. Which of the following does not describe how egg-laying hens are treated in factory farms?
3. According to Peter Singer a “person” is
4. What is speciesism?
5. Tom Regan argues that animal rights
6. In the videos, what does Peter Singer say about vegetarianism?
7. According to the video “Meet Your Meat”, which of the following is not
true of how animals are slaughtered on factory farms
8. Jeremy Waldron argues that drone warfare is neither ethical or effective because it
9. Kenneth Anderson argues that the fact that drones make the resort to force easier
10. What do animal rights say about helping humans
11. According to the video, “Religion, War, and Violence,” for a war to be considered just, it must
12. Which of the following does not happen in the “Meet Your Meat” to animals with diseases or injuries on modern factory farms:
13. What is it that is wrong about eating factory farmed meat?
14. Which of the following does not happen to pigs on today’s factory farms in the “Meet Your Meat” video?
15. According to the video “Religion, War, and Violence,” proponents of Just War Theory agree that without the restraints of Just War Theory
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