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PHI 208 Week 1 Reading Quiz (Variant 5)
1. According to Rachels, many people accept the conventional doctrine because they believe:
2. Rachels concludes that:
3. Foot defines a negative duty as:
4. According to Glaucon, justice is based on
5. The ring gave Gyges
6. Passive euthanasia is:
7. Rachels claims that once it has been decided that euthanasia is desirable in a case:
8. one initiates the sequence that results in the harm.
9. Injustice is more profitable than justice.
10. If Midgley is correct, moral scepticism
11. Glaucon begins by claiming that “those who practice justice” do so
12. When passive euthanasia is employed on infants, they typically die of:
13. According to Rachels, active euthanasia involves:
14. According to Foot, the violation of a negative duty involves:
15. According to Rachels, the case of Smith and Jones shows that:
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