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PHI 208 Week 1 Reading Quiz (Variant 9)
1. According to Rachels, many people accept the conventional doctrine because they believe
2. Rachels claims that most actual cases of killing:
3. Glaucon states that most people think that justice
4. Foot defines a positive duty as:
5. Rachels concludes that:
6. Midgley thinks that although we can understand or appreciate other societies,
7. Rachels claims that when infants with Down’s syndrome are denied necessary operations, this is typically because:
8. According to Rachels, the case of Smith and Jones shows that:
9. Rachels claims that once it has been decided that euthanasia is desirable in a case:
10. Midgely concludes that
11. Foot claims that in explaining the difference between killing and letting die, the distinction of importance is between:
12. Rachels argues that the conventional doctrine:
13. According to Rachels, the “conventional doctrine” maintains that
14. In the Rescue II case, Foot claims that
15. Foot claims that negative duties are
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