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PHI 208 Week 1 Reading Quiz (Variant 10)

Penulis : Unknown on вторник, 3 марта 2015 г. | 09:14

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PHI 208 Week 1 Reading Quiz (Variant 10)
1. In Hill’s example, what did the wealthy eccentric man do to his yard after he bought a new house?
2. Hill claims that a fruitful way to think about the badness of destroying the environment is
3. Hill would agree most with which of the following statements?
4. According to Thomas Hill’s account of environmental ethics, a person might show a lack of virtue when they
5.According to Aristotle, happiness is
6. Robinson describes magnanimity and integrity as both primarily concerned with what?
7. According to Robinson, a person who has integrity is someone who:
8. Robinson describes integrity as a virtue that has the
9. Hill refers to the ability to understand oneself, to face oneself, and to be honest about the kind of creature one is by this term
10. Aristotle states that if we ask what the highest good of human action is
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