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ESE 315 Week 2 Interview

Penulis : Unknown on вторник, 28 апреля 2015 г. | 08:41

вторник, 28 апреля 2015 г.

ESE 315 Week 2 Interview
Parent involvement and the relationship parents have with their child’s teacher/school are important for all children. This is especially true for children with disabilities. For this assignment, you will be asked to contact a local preschool, Head Start, or Early Head Start program. You will interview a director, teacher, or parent coordinator to find out how they collaborate and communicate with families who have children with learning differences. Be sure to describe the type of program you gathered information from and the role of the practitioner that you interviewed. Find out the following information:
How do families get information at the time of enrollment? Is there a handbook for the center? What resources does the center offer to families?
What services are available to families in their community and do families get information about these services from the program or school?
How does the center communicate on a day to day basis? For example, is there a family notebook that goes to school and home each day for teachers to touch base? Do they use email? Newsletters?
How does the practitioner view the effectiveness of these communication techniques? What does he/she feel works well? What does not work well?
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ESE 315 Week 1 DQ 2 Teaching Approaches Debate

ESE 315 Week 1 DQ 2 Teaching Approaches Debate
According to the text, when students with disabilities are placed in the general education classroom, there are three widely used teaching approaches that provide a starting point for helping students participate in the general curriculum (Section 2.2). While there are many other approaches, the three most widely used teaching approaches are: explicit instruction, differentiation, and universal design for learning (UDL). For this post, you will provide support for one of these approaches outlined below and explain why it is a valuable approach and should be used in the teaching of students with disabilities.
Find your assigned debate group below (by first letter of last name):
A-H: Explicit Instruction
I-Q: Differentiation
R-Z: Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
Develop a cohesive and research-based argument for the position you have been assigned. Be sure to include the principles that guide each approach and set it apart from the others, as well as in-text research that supports this approach.
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ESE 315 Week 1 DQ 1 Inclusion

ESE 315 Week 1 DQ 1 Inclusion
In Chapter 2 of your text, the concept of inclusion is discussed. As Powell and Driver (2013) state, “In an inclusion setting, students with disabilities are instructed alongside peers without disabilities for some or all of the school day” (Section 2.1). Complete the Inclusion Chart (available in your online course) and view the article, “Regular Educators on the IEP Team.”
Imagine you are a teacher getting ready for your first IEP/504 meeting for one of your students who has a mild hearing disability (you can choose any age range from the Inclusion Chart you completed).
As an integral part of the IEP/504 team, how will you prepare yourself for this meeting?
What are three important items to consider about this student before making any recommendations to the
committee (e.g., what needs might this child have)?
What are two accommodations that might be beneficial for this student and why (see table 2.1 in your course text)?
What is one modification that might help this student and why?
Lastly, what are the differences between accommodations and modifications?
Please also include your completed Inclusion Chart as an attachment.
c. What information is important to know about a mild hearing disability and how will that information affect performance/learning/behavior in the classroom?
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ESE 315 Entire Course

ESE 315 Entire Course
ESE 315 Week 1 DQ 1 Inclusion
Inclusion. In Chapter 2 of your text, the concept of inclusion is discussed. As Powell and Driver (2013) state, “In an inclusion setting, students with disabilities are instructed alongside peers without disabilities for some or all of the school day” (Section 2.1). Complete the Inclusion Chart (available in your online course) and view the article, “Regular Educators on the IEP Team.”
Imagine you are a teacher getting ready for your first IEP/504 meeting for one of your students who has a mild hearing disability (you can choose any age range from the Inclusion Chart you completed).
As an integral part of the IEP/504 team, how will you prepare yourself for this meeting?
What are three important items to consider about this student before making any recommendations to the committee (e.g., what needs might this child have)?
What are two accommodations that might be beneficial for this student and why (see table 2.1 in your course text)?
What is one modification that might help this student and why?
Lastly, what are the differences between accommodations and modifications?
Please also include your completed Inclusion Chart as an attachment.
c. What information is important to know about a mild hearing disability and how will that information affect performance/learning/behavior in the classroom?

ESE 315 Week 1 DQ 2 Teaching Approaches Debate
Teaching Approaches Debate. According to the text, when students with disabilities are placed in the general education classroom, there are three widely used teaching approaches that provide a starting point for helping students participate in the general curriculum (Section 2.2). While there are many other approaches, the three most widely used teaching approaches are: explicit instruction, differentiation, and universal design for learning (UDL). For this post, you will provide support for one of these approaches outlined below and explain why it is a valuable approach and should be used in the teaching of students with disabilities.
Find your assigned debate group below (by first letter of last name):
A-H: Explicit Instruction
I-Q: Differentiation
R-Z: Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
Develop a cohesive and research-based argument for the position you have been assigned. Be sure to include the principles that guide each approach and set it apart from the others, as well as in-text research that supports this approach.
ESE 315 Week 1 Journal Reflection and Preparation
Reflection and Preparation.
Part One: EAHCA Reflection. The Education of All Handicapped Children Act (EAHCA or EHA), or PL 94- 142, “was the first to mandate that schools provide education to students with disabilities” (Powell & Driver, 2013, Section 1.3). Reflect on how key aspects of this law such as FAPE, LRE, IEP, and due process will specifically impact you as a teacher or caregiver. What is your role in ensuring that each portion of this law is upheld in your classroom? What concerns do you have regarding your role and why?
Part Two: Interview Preparation. In preparation for the Week Two assignment, you will need to identify, reach out to, and confirm the contact information for the person you will interview.
Research early childhood education programs in your area and/or online.
Contact a professional at a preschool, Head Start, or Early Head Start program via email or phone, and inquire about the possibility of setting up an interview.
Confirm a date and a time for the interview. The actual interview needs to be completed by the end of Week Two.
Include the contact information of the person you will interview and the date and the time of the interview at the bottom of your Journal.
ESE 315 Week 2 DQ 1 Response to Intervention
Response to Intervention. Mary Quest, an early childhood teacher of 15 years, has shared two narratives of her experiences with response to intervention (RTI). After reading Chapter 3, Chapter 4, and the two case narratives below, describe what you see as both the strengths and challenges of RTI. How do you see children getting the support and services they may need through RTI? As you read the following case studies what would you like to learn more about? If RTI is new to you, what have you learned? If you have experience with RTI, what can you share about your experience with RTI?
ESE 315 Week 2 DQ 2 Environment
Environment. Read the article on creating supportive environments, “Including Children With Special Needs: Are You and Your Early Childhood Program Ready?”
Often in early childhood programs, the environment is seen as the third teacher as it guides and invites children to interact in various ways. As you reflect on this idea of the environment supporting children’s play, list and describe in your discussion three ideas that you would implement from the reading into your classroom that will support all children (e.g., smooth and predictable transitions).
ESE 315 Week 2 Journal Choice Topic
Choice Topic. Choose one of the following topics to write about:
When creating appropriate, individualized curriculum, it is important to remember that “fair” and “equal” are not the same thing. In other words, if all children are given the same thing, it might be fair, but when children are given what they need, it is fair. For example, if a child is unable to sit at circle time, that child has the option to move outside the group and do something that will not disturb the group, or perhaps use a fidget toy during meeting time. In thinking about this, what does the idea of fair not being the same as equal mean in a classroom? Generate an example of a fairness issue and explain how you might resolve it.
Write about the first time you met a person with learning differences. As you think back to this experience, what did the adults say to you? What was implied and not spoken? What was spoken? How did their comments or actions affect how you saw or understood that person? How might your own biases and possible fears of people with differences been shaped by some of these early experiences? What are some of your current fears or possible biases? What are some ways you can work to overcome these biases and fears? What is important for adults in classrooms to think about as they support all children in their classrooms?
It is important to think about how we frame or view all children. Therefore the idea of naming the person first and the difference second affects how we view children. For example, instead of saying “challenging children,” we move to the idea of “children whose behaviors challenge our skills.” This shifts from the idea that children need to change to how we support each child and engage in a process with them. As you think about this, how do you see this idea affecting your work with children? If you are in a classroom, talk about how this idea might help to support a child with whom you are currently working?
ESE 315 Week 2 Interview
Interview. Parent involvement and the relationship parents have with their child’s teacher/school are important for all children. This is especially true for children with disabilities. For this assignment, you will be asked to contact a local preschool, Head Start, or Early Head Start program. You will interview a director, teacher, or parent coordinator to find out how they collaborate and communicate with families who have children with learning differences. Be sure to describe the type of program you gathered information from and the role of the practitioner that you interviewed. Find out the following information:
How do families get information at the time of enrollment? Is there a handbook for the center? What resources does the center offer to families?
What services are available to families in their community and do families get information about these services from the program or school?
How does the center communicate on a day to day basis? For example, is there a family notebook that goes to school and home each day for teachers to touch base? Do they use email? Newsletters?
How does the practitioner view the effectiveness of these communication techniques? What does he/she feel works well? What does not work well?
ESE 315 Week 3 DQ 1 ADHD
ADHD. “Researchers have not identified a primary cause of ADHD. They believe that it is probably related to a combination of biology, genetics, and the student’s environment” (Powell & Driver, 2013, Section 5.4). While you may encounter very young children who exhibit behaviors similar to the characteristics of ADHD, it is unlikely that they will be specifically diagnosed with ADHD. However, when working with school-aged children, it is more likely that you will encounter students who have been diagnosed with ADHD because “ADHD affects approximately 3-10% of school-age students” (Powell & Driver, 2013, Section 5.1). For this reason, it is important to understand this condition in order to have a plan of action should you or a parent suspectADHD,andtoknowhowtosupportthosechildrenwhodo. Forthisdiscussionpost,youwillcreatean information sheet that can be given to a new teacher explaining ADHD in the classroom. It can include pictures, but it must include information regarding:
All three types of ADHD
The possible causes (you must include information regarding each possible cause: biology, genetics and
The importance of a medical diagnosis and why
Possible signs and symptoms
The IDEA category it fits under
How IEP or 504 plans can help a child with ADHD in the classroom
§ To show this, provide an example of a student diagnosed with ADHD along with the proposed solution. This can be an actual child you know (just be sure to exclude the child’s real name) or it can be a hypothetical child
ESE 315 Week 3 DQ 2 Speech & Language Impairments
Speech & Language Impairments. As Chapter 6 states, “students with SLI should receive speech and language services from trained professionals. The role of the classroom teacher is supportive and collaborative” (Powell & Driver, 2013, Section 6.7). As a classroom teacher, explain how you can support students with speech and language impairments by including each of the following:
Identify which special education law(s) impacts students with SLI.
Explain how you will collaborate with the child’s speech and language pathologist (SLP) and why this collaboration is important.
Provide strategies you will need to incorporate into your daily routine to assist these children in your classroom. Strategies such as seating arrangement, instructional tips to support the student, as well as how you will help this child’s interactions with peers should be included.
Lastly, explain how you will handle a situation where a parent of a child with SLI in your classroom has come to you concerned because their child is being teased by classmates. What will you say to the parent and how will you address this in class?
ESE 315 Week 3 Journal Talking With Parents
Talking With Parents. Talking with parents about the struggles their child is having in class can be a difficult task for teachers and childcare professionals. According to Powell and Driver (2013), “teachers and school staff can talk with parents about the possibility of their child needing to undergo an evaluation for ADHD, but the official diagnosis must come from a medical professional or clinician (i.e., medical doctor, psychiatrist, or psychologist)” (Section 5.5). Reflect on what this statement means to you. How can you talk with parents about this subject without sounding as if you are diagnosing? What advice can you provide to parents who come to you with concerns about their child without implying that a disability is present?
ESE 315 Week 3 ADHD Presentation
ADHD Presentation. Using what you have learned so far about ADHD and inclusion, you will create a PowerPoint presentation that addresses the following scenario:
You have been asked by your administrator or director to give a 10-minute presentation to the school board regarding inclusion and ADHD. The board wants to know specifically how this ever-increasing population of students is assisted and supported in an inclusive setting in your school or center.
Your administrator has asked that the following be included:
An explanation of the steps to follow when a parent of a child without an ADHD diagnosis is seeking a diagnosis (e.g. describe the checklist or rating scale you will use alongside the parent and physician).
An explanation of the federal laws associated with an ADHD diagnosis.
A discussion of how parents can be kept involved in their child’s learning once the child has been diagnosed by a physician, psychologist, or neuropsychologist.
An explanation of how students are specifically accommodated through the functional organization of the classroom.
§ How students are supported through organization of classroom space and assignments. § How students are supported in the delivery of instruction.
A discussion of the importance of a schedule (including how you provide breaks for a child with ADHD).
A description of the brain regions, neurotransmitters, and physiological symptoms associated with ADHD.
A discussion of how children with ADHD are encouraged to participate in lessons.
A sample of how children are assisted with self-monitoring (e.g. a behavior checklist).
A specific example of how a child is supported by using Elian (figure 5.x) as the model. Summarize this child’s support.
A specific example of a brain-based learning strategy that can be used in the classroom.
A discussion of information that is used to help students at home (e.g. assignment agenda).
ESE 315 Week 4 DQ 1 Gifted Students
Gifted Students. Chapter 7 of our text discusses the characteristics of gifted children and a variety of effective instructional methods. Imagine you spent the day observing either a preschool, elementary, or secondary classroom. During your observation, one child exhibits behaviors typical of gifted children. Write a vignette that describes the child and explains why you believe this child may be gifted. Your vignette should include:
The child’s name, age, and grade level
A brief description of the learning environment
c. At least three academic and/or and social characteristics the child displayed during your observation that makes you believe he/she may be gifted. Be sure to support your description with information from the “Characteristics of Gifted and Talented” section of Chapter 7.
ESE 315 Week 4 DQ 2 Intellectual Disabilities
Intellectual Disabilities. An important part of your job when working with children with intellectual disabilities is the ability to modify instruction in order to best meet their educational needs. Chapter 8 of our textbook offers many teaching ideas and strategies for meeting the academic and social needs of students with a variety of intellectual disabilities. For this discussion you will have the opportunity to put those ideas into practice.
ESE 315 Week 4 Journal Course Reflection
Course Reflection. Write a one- to two-page reflection that addresses the following:
How has your own image of children with learning disabilities been affected during this class?
What new understandings have you considered in terms of knowledge about learning differences?
How do you see this class affecting how you will plan and implement curricula for young children?
What is one topic you might like to research and gain new information on based on your learning in class?
ESE 315 Week 5 DQ 1 Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). As Chapter 9 of your text states “the number of students identified with ASD has increase dover the last few decades. Some people even call ASDan‘epidemic’” (Powell & Driver, 2013, Chapter 9 Introduction). This increase specifically affects you in the classroom or daycare center because it shows a high likelihood of your encountering children with ASD. Therefore you must understand the disorder as well as the strategies that will support children with ASD in the classroom or center. For this discussion, imagine you are new teacher just learning about ASD
ESE 315 Week 5 DQ 2 IFSP and Early Intervention

IFSP and Early Intervention. You have just taken a position as a teacher in an Early Head Start program. A 6-month-old child has been referred to a doctor for strabismus. In the toddler room, the director and head teacher are talking to a parent about their observations of a 2-year-old, who does not attend or make eye contact when his name is called, and is cognitively and socially assessed at the 12-month-old level. This is a 12-month delay for a 24-month-old child. You have heard them talking about early intervention and a possible individual family service plan (IFSP). Since these terms are new to you, find out what these are and find out how children in your community would be able to access early intervention services. In your discussion post, discuss five to six services all children can receive from early intervention and how an IFSP works in your community. What are the ages that children can receive services in your community and then who might provide those services? You can access this information via the web by looking up early intervention in your state or community or by talking to a local provider in your area
ESE 315 Week 5 Journal Position Statement
Position Statement. In a joint position statement, the Division of Early Childhood and The National Association for the Education of Young Children released this position statement on inclusion and inclusive practice for young children:
Early childhood inclusion embodies the values, policies, and practices that support the right of every infant and young child and his or her family, regardless of ability, to participate in a broad range of activities and contexts as full members of families, communities, and society. The desired results of inclusive experiences for children with and without disabilities and their families include a sense of belonging and membership, positive social relationships and friendships, and development and learning to reach their full potential. The defining features of inclusion that can be used to identify high quality early childhood programs and services are access, participation, and supports (Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children & National Association for the Education of Young Children, 2009).
ESE 315 Week 5 Final Project
For this Final Project, you will be given the opportunity to pull together everything you have learned these past five weeks
into a cohesive classroom plan for a three- to five- year-old preschool program. The following is the make-up of your classroom.
You have 12 students total:
Eight students are typically developing.
One student has an Autism Spectrum Disorder.
One student exhibits the following behaviors but has not been diagnosed with any particular learning need or
Limited language
Jumps from activity to activity
Engages only in parallel play
One student who has a Sensory Processing Disorder (e.g. she is sensitive to light, sound, smells, and textures such as paint, sand, glue, and clothing and she avoids physical proximity to people).
One student who is both cognitively and linguistically advanced.
For this classroom plan, you must show your administration or director that you have the necessary strategies in place to effectively instruct each of your 12 students based on their individual needs. You will present this in the form of a PowerPoint presentation. The presentation will be 14 to 16 slides (not including title and reference slides), one slide for each of the following elements:
A title slide
A reference slide
Create a mission statement regarding developmentally appropriate practices with three- to five-year-olds (i.e.
what is DAP and how does it apply to your teaching of these children?)
An outline of the laws governing exceptional children that impact your instruction
A description of the classroom environment you will provide for these 12 children
A discussion of how you will communicate with the families of your students in order to meet the individual
needs of each child
A description of two to three specific instructional approaches you will utilize in your instruction, as well as why
you feel your chosen approaches will be effective
An explanation of your instructional techniques/plans for the eight typically developing students
A description of your instructional plan, including accommodations, modifications, and services available to your student who has an Autism Spectrum Disorder
A discussion of your instructional plan, including accommodations, modifications and services available to your student who exhibits certain behaviors but has not been diagnosed
An explanation of your instructional plan, including accommodations, modifications and services available to your student who has a Sensory Processing Disorder
A description of your instructional plan, including modifications/extensions for your student who is cognitively and linguistically advanced
Create a sample lesson plan (use the lesson plan template) showing how you will meet the needs of all learners for your chosen lesson (remember, the lesson you choose must be developmentally appropriate)
An explanation of why you feel you have a comprehensive plan for meeting the needs of all of your students
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ENV 333 Entire Course

ENV 333 Entire Course
Week 1
NEPA. The purpose of NEPA is: To declare a national policy which will encourage productive and enjoyable harmony between man and his environment; to promote efforts which will prevent or eliminate damage to the environment and biosphere and stimulate the health and welfare of man; to enrich the understanding of the ecological systems and natural resources important to the Nation; and to establish a Council on Environmental Quality. NEPA applies to most federal agencies projects or those receiving federal funding.
Do you believe that NEPA was a step forward in environmental regulations? Explain your answer. What are the most important aspects of this regulation? Should NEPA be expanded to incorporate all projects, not just those with ties to the federal government? Why or why not? Support your position with substantive facts.
Environmental Assessment (EA) and Environmental Impact Statements (EIS). NEPA requires all projects that may adversely impact the environment to undergo the development of an EA or EIS. The initial scoping process is critical in determining how to proceed with a project. Do you think the scoping process entails too much research or does it not require enough?
Week 2
Land-Use and Development. Land-use and development is classified as a socioeconomic impact in regards to the proposed project characteristics. Choose a project that has occurred in your local area. Describe the project and discuss a minimum of three (3) direct land-use and three (3) indirect land-use impacts. Explain how and why they are classified as direct or indirect impacts.
Economics. Economists and environmentalists are often on opposite sides of the debate when discussing the impacts caused by human interaction. When developing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) the direct and indirect economic impacts are heavily considered. Should the various components of economics that were discussed in Chapter Seven potentially prevent or permit a project?
Socioeconomic Factors. Marriott explains, “The discussion of land-use and development impacts are often combined with community effects, relocations, travel patterns, and economic effects under an umbrella term of socioeconomic impacts” (1997, p. 61). Choose one of these factors, which are found in Chapters Five through Nine. Discuss the importance of evaluating the chosen factor within the context of a proposed project. Discuss any difficulties that might be present when determining the cumulative impacts. Provide a minimum of one example from a project within your local area.
Week 3
Air Quality. Air quality is vitally important for human health and the environment. Since the 1970’s, various regulations and amendments have been enacted to ensure an increase in air quality across the nation. The amount of regulations and constraints that pertain to the development of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is daunting. Discuss several of the challenges when addressing Air Quality in both attainment and non-attainment areas.
Public Participation. One of the benefits of the NEPA process is the incorporation of publicparticipation.Therearenumerouswaysinwhichtheaveragecitizencanparticipateintheprocess. Which two (2) processes do you think are the most important? Which process do you think has the least impact on the overall EIS? Why? How could it be utilized better?
Final Paper Outline. For your Final Paper you must select one (1) of the scenarios below.
Scenario 1
You are attempting to build a wastewater treatment plant in a newly developed urban area. The site is located in an attainment area. There is a local waterway that runs through the site. The area is heavily populated.
Scenario 2
You are proposing to build a power plant in an industrialized area. The site is located in an attainment area but local regulations require offsets be incorporated into the plan. The closest waterway is 1.5 miles away. The gradient of the land slopes towards the water. There is a small population of people that surrounds the industrial area.
Scenario 3
You are proposing to build a recycling center in a rural area. The area consists of numerous waterways. There are many farms in the area. The population is medium in size and spread throughout the area. The area is in a nonattainment area.
Scenario 4
You are proposing to build a shopping mall in a heavily populated rural area. The area adjacent to the site consists of a nature preserve. The main road into and out of the site is a single lane road in each direction. The area of the site is in an attainment area.
Develop a scoping plan for the scenario of your choice. Include a minimum of three (3) alternatives as well as the no build alternative.
Discuss a minimum of three (3) important criteria from each chapter regarding your proposed site (i.e., discuss land-use and development, social and neighborhood effects, economic factors, relocations, traffic and transportation, energy, historic and archaeological resources, visual resources, air quality, noise, geology and soils, water resources, floodplains and coastal areas, wetlands, and vegetation and wildlife). It is understandable that every category may not be affected by your proposed project. However, you must indicate the category and include a brief statement as to why certain criteria do not apply. Since the scenarios provided may not address every situation that could arise, you may extrapolate and be creative regarding the surrounding area. Make sure that you support any decision that you make by explaining its importance in regards to the site and the community. Provide evidence throughout your paper to support your statements.
Week 4
Geology and Soils. The Farmland Protection Policy Act of 1981 (FPPA) (amended in 1987) provides specific criteria for projects that attempt to convert viable agricultural land to nonagricultural purposes. The impetus is the protection of a potential food source for an expanding population. The federal government can halt any project if a Section 1006 score is near 160 (out of 260 points). On the other hand, environmentalists endeavor to ensure that natural lands are afforded the same stringent protection.
Review the FPPA in Chapter Sixteen of Environmental Impact Assessment: A Practical Guide. Is it important to provide a special section for protecting farmland within the NEPA regulations? Does it appear that these two purposes contradict one another by protecting open farmland and potentially disrupting natural lands? Explain your answer.
Water Resources. The vast majority of public opinion indicates that the protection of water resources should be high on the concerns of environmental protection. Water resources include all components associated groundwater, surface water, and marine environments. In addition to determining the impacts in relation to NEPA, there are numerous other regulations that must be considered including the Safewater Drinking Act, Clean Water Act, and the Rivers and Harbors Act.
Review the flow charts (Figure 18.5a and Figure 18.5b) in “18.6 – Summary of Water-Related Permits and Legislation” of Environmental Impact Assessment: A Practical Guide. Explain one concern that NEPA preparers may have when evaluating the impacts of a proposed project in relationship to these acts. Select two (2) different acts and discuss the importance of these acts in association to NEPA and water resources
Case Study: Environmental Impacts. Search the Internet for an EIS that has been written in your local area. If one is not present in your local area, expand your search to include your county or state. Note: You are not required to read the entire EIS. These can run several hundred pages.
Address the following:
Briefly describe the proposed project. Does the overall format of the EIS meet the requirements discussed in Environmental Impact Assessment:
A Practical Guide? Does the EIS address each of the main chapter categories (i.e., transportation, energy,
air quality, noise, public safety, and water resources)
Look at the alternatives. How many were originally proposed? How many were ruled out due to other
constraints? Of those remaining, briefly discuss the preferred alternative.
Discuss your overall impression of the specific EIS as well as the EIS process
Week 5
Sorting through it All. The purpose of an Environmental Assessment (EA) and/or Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is to provide a harmonious union between human’s interactions and the environment. One EIS can take, on average, two to three years to complete. The volumes of data collection can be overwhelming, yet it is important to present the information in a way that the public can comprehend.
What do you think are the most important components of the comparative evaluation process? Explain your answer and provide a minimum of two examples to support your statement.
Overall Impressions. The EA/EIS process is one of length and detail. After learning the components of the entire process, the role of public participation, and examining actual completed EIS, what are your overall impressions of the process? What do you believe could improve the entire process and purpose of the environmental documents?
Focus of the Final Paper
The creation of an Environmental Impact Statement can take two to three years to complete, depending on the complexity of the proposed project. There are numerous individuals and technical experts involved. For the Final Paper, you will develop an abbreviated form of a Draft Environmental Impact Statement by selecting one of the scenarios below.
Scenario 1
You are attempting to build a wastewater treatment plant in a newly developed urban area. The site is located in an attainment area. There is a local waterway that runs through the site. The area is heavily populated.
Scenario 2
You are proposing to build a power plant in an industrialized area. The site is located in an attainment area but local regulations require offsets be incorporated into the plan. The closest waterway is 1.5 miles away. The gradient of the land slopes towards the water. There is a small population of people that surrounds the industrial area.
Scenario 3
You are proposing to build a recycling center in a rural area. The area consists of numerous waterways. There are many farms in the area. The population is medium in size and spread throughout the area. The area is in a nonattainment area.
Scenario 4
You are proposing to build a shopping mall in a heavily populated rural area. The area adjacent to the site consists of a nature preserve. The main road into and out of the site is a single lane road in each direction. The area of the site is in an attainment area.
Develop a scoping plan for the scenario of your choice. Include a minimum of three (3) alternatives as well as the no
build alternative.
Discuss a minimum of three (3) important criteria from each chapter regarding your proposed site (i.e., discuss land-use and development, social and neighborhood effects, economic factors, relocations, traffic and transportation, energy, historic and archaeological resources, visual resources, air quality, noise, geology and soils, water resources, floodplains and coastal areas, wetlands, and vegetation and wildlife). It is understandable that every category may not be affected by your proposed project. However, you must indicate the category and include a brief statement as to why certain criteria do not apply. Since the scenarios provided may not address every situation that could arise, you may extrapolate and be creative regarding the surrounding area. Make sure that you support any decision that you make by explaining its importance in regards to the site and the community. Provide evidence throughout your paper to support your statements
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ENV 333 Week 5 Final Paper

ENV 333 Week 5 Final Paper
The creation of an Environmental Impact Statement can take two to three years to complete, depending on the complexity of the proposed project. There are numerous individuals and technical experts involved. For the Final Paper, you will develop an abbreviated form of a Draft Environmental Impact Statement by selecting one of the scenarios below.
Scenario 1
You are attempting to build a wastewater treatment plant in a newly developed urban area. The site is located in an attainment area. There is a local waterway that runs through the site. The area is heavily populated.
Scenario 2
You are proposing to build a power plant in an industrialized area. The site is located in an attainment area but local regulations require offsets be incorporated into the plan. The closest waterway is 1.5 miles away. The gradient of the land slopes towards the water. There is a small population of people that surrounds the industrial area.
Scenario 3
You are proposing to build a recycling center in a rural area. The area consists of numerous waterways. There are many farms in the area. The population is medium in size and spread throughout the area. The area is in a nonattainment area.
Scenario 4
You are proposing to build a shopping mall in a heavily populated rural area. The area adjacent to the site consists of a nature preserve. The main road into and out of the site is a single lane road in each direction. The area of the site is in an attainment area.
Develop a scoping plan for the scenario of your choice. Include a minimum of three (3) alternatives as well as the no
build alternative.
Discuss a minimum of three (3) important criteria from each chapter regarding your proposed site (i.e., discuss land-use and development, social and neighborhood effects, economic factors, relocations, traffic and transportation, energy, historic and archaeological resources, visual resources, air quality, noise, geology and soils, water resources, floodplains and coastal areas, wetlands, and vegetation and wildlife). It is understandable that every category may not be affected by your proposed project. However, you must indicate the category and include a brief statement as to why certain criteria do not apply. Since the scenarios provided may not address every situation that could arise, you may extrapolate and be creative regarding the surrounding area. Make sure that you support any decision that you make by explaining its importance in regards to the site and the community. Provide evidence throughout your paper to support your statements
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ENV 333 Week 5 DQ 2 Overall Impressions

ENV 333 Week 5 DQ 2 Overall Impressions
The EA/EIS process is one of length and detail. After learning the components of the entire process, the role of public participation, and examining actual completed EIS, what are your overall impressions of the process? What do you believe could improve the entire process and purpose of the environmental documents?
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ENV 333 Week 5 DQ 1 Sorting through it All

ENV 333 Week 5 DQ 1 Sorting through it All
The purpose of an Environmental Assessment (EA) and/or Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is to provide a harmonious union between human’s interactions and the environment. One EIS can take, on average, two to three years to complete. The volumes of data collection can be overwhelming, yet it is important to present the information in a way that the public can comprehend.
What do you think are the most important components of the comparative evaluation process? Explain your answer and provide a minimum of two examples to support your statement
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ENV 333 Week 4 Assignment Environmental Impact Statements

ENV 333 Week 4 Assignment Environmental Impact Statements
Search the Internet for an EIS that has been written in your local area. If one is not present in your local area, expand your search to include your county or state. Note: You are not required to read the entire EIS. These can run several hundred pages.
Address the following:
Briefly describe the proposed project.
Does the overall format of the EIS meet the requirements discussed in Environmental Impact Assessment:
A Practical Guide? Does the EIS address each of the main chapter categories (i.e., transportation, energy,
air quality, noise, public safety, and water resources)
Look at the alternatives. How many were originally proposed? How many were ruled out due to other
constraints? Of those remaining, briefly discuss the preferred alternative.
Discuss your overall impression of the specific EIS as well as the EIS process
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ENV 333 Week 4 DQ 2 Water Resources

ENV 333 Week 4 DQ 2 Water Resources
Water Resources. The vast majority of public opinion indicates that the protection of water resources should be high on the concerns of environmental protection. Water resources include all components associated groundwater, surface water, and marine environments. In addition to determining the impacts in relation to NEPA, there are numerous other regulations that must be considered including the Safewater Drinking Act, Clean Water Act, and the Rivers and Harbors Act.
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ENV 333 Week 4 DQ 1 Geology and Soils

ENV 333 Week 4 DQ 1 Geology and Soils
The Farmland Protection Policy Act of 1981 (FPPA) (amended in 1987) provides specific criteria for projects that attempt to convert viable agricultural land to nonagricultural purposes. The impetus is the protection of a potential food source for an expanding population. The federal government can halt any project if a Section 1006 score is near 160 (out of 260 points). On the other hand, environmentalists endeavor to ensure that natural lands are afforded the same stringent protection.
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ENV 333 Week 3 DQ 2 Public Participation

ENV 333 Week 3 DQ 2 Public Participation
Public Participation. One of the benefits of the NEPA process is the incorporation of publicparticipation.Therearenumerouswaysinwhichtheaveragecitizencanparticipateintheprocess. Which two (2) processes do you think are the most important? Which process do you think has the least impact on the overall EIS? Why? How could it be utilized better?

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ENV 333 Week 3 DQ 1 Air Quality

ENV 333 Week 3 DQ 1 Air Quality
Air Quality. Air quality is vitally important for human health and the environment. Since the 1970’s, various regulations and amendments have been enacted to ensure an increase in air quality across the nation. The amount of regulations and constraints that pertain to the development of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is daunting. Discuss several of the challenges when addressing Air Quality in both attainment and non-attainment areas.
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ENV 333 Week 2 Assignment - Socioeconomic Factors

ENV 333 Week 2 Assignment - Socioeconomic Factors
Marriott explains, “The discussion of land-use and development impacts are often combined with community effects, relocations, travel patterns, and economic effects under an umbrella term of socioeconomic impacts” (1997, p. 61). Choose one of these factors, which are found in Chapters Five through Nine. Discuss the importance of evaluating the chosen factor within the context of a proposed project. Discuss any difficulties that might be present when determining the cumulative impacts. Provide a minimum of one example from a project within your local area.
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ENV 333 Week 2 DQ 2 Economics

ENV 333 Week 2 DQ 2 Economics
Economics. Economists and environmentalists are often on opposite sides of the debate when discussing the impacts caused by human interaction. When developing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) the direct and indirect economic impacts are heavily considered. Should the various components of economics that were discussed in Chapter Seven potentially prevent or permit a project?
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ENV 333 Week 2 DQ 1 Land-Use and Development

ENV 333 Week 2 DQ 1 Land-Use and Development
Land-Use and Development. Land-use and development is classified as a socioeconomic impact in regards to the proposed project characteristics. Choose a project that has occurred in your local area. Describe the project and discuss a minimum of three (3) direct land-useand three (3) indirect land-use impacts. Explain how and why they are classified as direct or indirect impacts.
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ENV 333 Week 1 DQ 2 Environmental Assessment (EA) and Environmental Impact Statements (EIS)

ENV 333 Week 1 DQ 2 Environmental Assessment (EA) and Environmental Impact Statements (EIS)
Environmental Assessment (EA) and Environmental Impact Statements (EIS). NEPA requires all projects that may adversely impact the environment to undergo the development of an EA or EIS. The initial scoping process is critical in determining how to proceed with a project. Do you think the scoping process entails too much research or does it not require enough?

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ENV 333 Week 1 DQ 1 NEPA

ENV 333 Week 1 DQ 1 NEPA
NEPA. The purpose of NEPA is: To declare a national policy which will encourage productive and enjoyable harmony between man and his environment; to promote efforts which will prevent or eliminate damage to the environment and biosphere and stimulate the health and welfare of man; to enrich the understanding of the ecological systems and natural resources important to the Nation; and to establish a Council on Environmental Quality. NEPA applies to most federal agencies projects or those receiving federal funding
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ENG 121 Entire Course

Diagnostic Quiz. The Diagnostic Quiz is designed to assess your knowledge of sentence structure, grammar, mechanics, and style. The quiz will provide you with feedback on your strengths and weaknesses. You will receive full points for taking the quiz no matter what your score. If you have questions or concerns about any of the quiz items, please contact your instructor or TA. Ideally, you should work toward remediating any knowledge or skill deficits revealed by the Diagnostic Quiz.
Estimated Time on Task: 1 hour
Diagnostic Essay. The diagnostic writing exercise will help your instructor discover who you are as a writer. The essay will be used to help you identify your strengths and weaknesses as a writer, and it will allow the instructor the opportunity to identify grammatical, mechanical, and stylistic problems specific to each student. You will earn full credit for completing this assignment, as long as you follow instructions.
Word Range: 400-500 Estimated Time on Task: 1hour
Please select one of the topics below as the subject of a short essay.
Topic 1: Favorite Location
Think of a specific location that means something to you, such as the ocean, front porch of a favorite family restaurant, or perhaps a favorite room in your home. Convey that meaning to the reader by describing the location as it impacts three of the five senses – sight, sound, touch, taste, or smell.
Topic 2: Healthy vs. Happy? Is taking care of your health—watching what you eat, exercising regularly, etc.—a big waste of time? Isn’t life too short to worry about these things? Shouldn’t we just eat and do what we want? Explain your position.
Topic 3: Work Preference
Some people prefer to work for themselves or own a business. Others prefer to work for an employer. Would you rather be self-employed, work for someone else, or own a business? Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice.
Topic 4: Women in Combat
Although female soldiers have recently been allowed to take jobs in previously all-male battalions, over 250,000 combat jobs still remain closed to them. Some argue that this unfairly limits career growth, while others contend that women are not able to withstand the physical and psychological nature of combat. Do you think that women should be able to serve in combat positions? Why or why not?
There is a 400- to 500-word requirement. Your essay should have an introductory paragraph, a concluding paragraph, and at least two body paragraphs. Your essay should also have a title. It usually takes an absolute minimum of three sentences to develop an idea in paragraph form. Please take this information into account when you plan your essay.
Before writing your essay, watch Writing an Essay.
The essays written for this section are diagnostic in nature. As such, you will not receive a grade, and your essays will not be used to place you into classes. Your instructor and/or teaching assistant (TA) will use this essay to provide you with assistance tailored to your needs.
When reading your essay, your instructor and/or TA will look for the following features:
Structure: The consistency with which the writer identifies and maintains the essay’s main idea. Two main points of structure include the thesis statement and the topic sentences.
Thesis Statement – Emphasizes the main point proven in the essay. The thesis usually occurs early in the essay, most ideally as the last sentence in the introduction.
Topic Sentences – Occur near the beginning of each paragraph; they state what the paragraph proves and advance the main idea conveyed in the thesis statement.
Development: How the writer uses details and examples to evolve ideas throughout the essay.
Organization: The sequence of ideas presented in the essay. All of the ideas within the essay should clearly relate to the main point.
Style: How writers choose to express themselves. Elements of style include word choice, sentence construction, and clarity. Style usually varies somewhat according to the audience and purpose of the writing.
Strengths and Weaknesses in Writing. In Chapter 1 of Essentials of College Writing, you reviewed a comprehensive list of typical college writing tasks, and you had the opportunity to identify three tasks as strengths and three tasks as weaknesses. Identify and share these strengths and weaknesses, citing examples from past experiences. Then, tell specifically how you plan to resolve the three weaknesses you identified.
Reading Strategies. After studying the active reading strategies in Chapter 2 of Essentials of College Writing, read Chapters 1 and 2 and the “Instructor Guidance” for Week One again, applying the Survey-Question-Read-Recite-Review (SQ3R) strategy as you reread the materials. Discuss how this reading strategy is similar to and/or different from the way you read course material previously. Relate how this strategy improved your comprehension of the course materials in just the first two chapters. Do you think this strategy will be helpful to you in other college courses? Explain with support from your reading.
Generating Ideas for Writing. Review the material in Chapter 3 of the Essentials of College Writing text regarding development of thesis statements. Then, review the techniques for generating ideas discussed in Chapter 4 of Essentials of College Writing. In preparation for your narrative essay, use both chapters to experiment with generating ideas for your narrative essay and to produce a working thesis statement for your draft this week. Share your experiences in this discussion indicating the topic you have chosen, your working thesis statement, and the technique(s) you have employed to properly organize your essay.
Elements of Narration. After reading the essay “The Death of My Father” by Steve Martin in Chapter 5 ofEssentials of College Writing, identify at least three elements of narration in Martin’s essay and analyze the effectiveness of those elements by describing what made those elements effective. You should also be able to state the author’s purpose for writing the narrative, determine the intended audience, and identify the thesis statement.
Narrative Essay Draft. The body of the essay draft must be 500 to 600 words in length (approximately two body pages), and it must have a title page. The essay must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center, located within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar, in your online course.
Choose one of the following topics:
a. Draft a narrative about returning to school. You may explore the issues regarding why you decided to return to school, the benefits of obtaining a college degree, changes in your lifestyle required for you to pursue your degree, obstacles to successful completion of your degree program, strategies you will use to overcome these obstacles, or any other subject related to your educational pursuits.
b. Draft a narrative about a singular experience you have had within the last few years that strikes you as particularly significant and has changed the way you are or the way you think about things. Note: This essay should recount and examine one experience only (not several). Yes: The day your car broke down. No: The car troubles you have had all year.
For this essay, you should practice the strategies discussed in Chapters 3, 4, and 5 of Essentials of College Writing.
Before writing the draft, generate ideas for the paper by using one of the techniques discussed in Chapter 4, such as listing, preparing an outline or tree chart, brainstorming, free writing, mind mapping, or using the “Five W’s and an H” Questions. Remember that “story starters” are everywhere. Think about it—status updates on social media websites can be a good place to start. You may have already started a “note” on Facebook, and now is your chance to develop that idea into a full narrative. If you keep a journal or diary, a simple event may unfold into a more developed narrative. Simply said, your stories may be closer than you think! (Your notes or outline will not be submitted, as you have used the discussion forum to share your methods as you prepare your draft.)
As you write the draft, make sure you have a thesis statement that asserts your purpose for your narrative, a logical order (narrative often employs chronological order), and elements of effective narration. If you get stuck, review Chapter 5 for advice on writing a personal narrative and review the Steve Martin narrative. Note: Have you ever interrupted someone in the middle of telling a story and asked, “So, what’s your point?” If so, you understand the importance of the narrative thesis. Unlike an argumentative thesis, a narrative thesis argues the point of telling the story. A narrative thesis always makes the case for a story’s value or validity.
After writing the draft, proofread for grammatical, mechanical, and stylistic errors. For information about the 20 Common Writing Errors in composition courses, go the Ashford Writing Center (Chapter 6, Section 6.1) and then review Fixing Common Grammar Errors for advice on how to address those errors (Chapter 6, Section 6.6).
Word Range: 500-600
Estimated Time on Task: 4-6 hours
Note: Students may not use recycled versions of essays from PSY202 or any other previous courses. All work in this course must be original to the course.
The Qualities of an Editor. A good editor often pays close attention to detail, practices patience and self-discipline, demonstrates good organization, and seeks to correct issues in content without losing the original intent of the work. Select two qualities of an editor that are likely to prove important to your editorial work in this course and explain why they will be instrumental in improving the quality of your written work as you go forward.
The Importance of Grammar, Mechanics, and Style. You have received feedback on the Diagnostic Essay and Diagnostic Quiz from Week One as well as your Narrative Essay Draft from Week Two. You have also read about and explored common writing problems after visiting the Ashford Writing Center. Review the feedback you have received; then, identify and discuss three errors noted in grammar, mechanics, or style. Explain why you think the errors occur, how you plan to correct the errors (specifically), and how you might avoid the errors in future work.
Final Narrative Essay. After reviewing instructor feedback from your Narrative Essay Draft, revise, edit, and proofread your draft to produce a polished narrative essay. The body of the Final Narrative Essay must be 500 to 600 words in length (approximately two body pages), and it must have a title page. The essay must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center, located within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar, in your online course.
Your revised, Final Narrative Essay must:
a. Demonstrate effective techniques of narration as outlined in your textbook.
b. Support your thesis statement by utilizing effective evidence and details.
c. Demonstrate logical order.
d. Be proofread for grammatical, mechanical, and stylistic errors.
e. Incorporate feedback provided by your instructor or teaching assistant.
f. Meet the requirements outlined in the “Course Grading” section, found in the left navigation of the course, for preparing and formatting papers.
Elements of Description. After reading, “Good boy, Beau. Stay,” what did you notice about the way Anna Quindlen uses description and the way she organizes her essay? What point is she trying to make? What sensory details stood out for you and why? Be specific in your explanations.
Descriptive Essay (Draft). The body of the essay draft must be 500 to 600 words in length (approximately two body pages), and it must have a title page. The essay must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center, located within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar, in your online course.
Choose one of the following topics:
a. Have you ever felt drawn to a work of visual art, such as a photograph, painting, mural, or sculpture? If so, consider taking the art work as the subject of your descriptive essay. In your essay, you will need to help your reader visualize the art work while explaining what features of the art work compel your attention and/or provoke an emotional response. You will also need to explain why your response to the art work is meaningful to you and is likely to be meaningful to others.
b. Draft a descriptive essay about a person, place, or object that has some special meaning in your life. Your essay should provide specific detail about this person, place, or object that leverages effective writing and descriptive techniques. While your description may include some narrative features, you should make sure that readers feel as though they are “with you,” and can respond emotionally to the person, place, or object you have selected. Your description should be specific and concrete. Avoid generalizations (as in “he’s tall” or “she’s funny”) and appeal to the senses (sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell).
For this essay, you should practice the strategies discussed in Chapters 3, 4, and 5 of Essentials of College Writing.
Before writing the draft, generate ideas for the essay by using one of the techniques discussed in Chapter 4, such as listing, preparing an outline or tree chart, brainstorming, free writing, mind mapping, or using the” Five W’s and an H” Questions. Some people find a photo album (or its digital equivalent) can be a great source of inspiration. If you are stumped, have a look at some of the photos you have taken of people, places, or objects and ask yourself what was so important that you took the photo. (Your notes or outline will not be submitted, as you have used the discussion forum to share your methods as you prepare your draft.)
Appeals to Logic and Reasoning. In Chapter 7of Essentials of College Writing, appeals to logic and reasoning are important components of persuasive writing. Take a moment to review one of your own problems of grammar, mechanics, or style that you have been able to remedy as a result of working through this course. Your job is to convince others to avoid this error before revising, editing, and proofreading their final descriptive essays. Use examples from your own experiences, evidence from your own essays, and good old-fashioned logic and reason to persuade people to avoid the pitfalls of the grammatical, mechanical, or stylistic error you have chosen.
Looking Back and Looking Forward. As you near the end of this course, reflect on what you have learned about English composition over the past five weeks. What are the most important concepts you learned from this course? Which chapters in your reading were the most valuable for you and why? What guidance provided by your instructor or TA was most useful? What areas of your writing do you think have improved the most? Going forward, what areas will you focus on to continue to improve your writing skills?
Final Descriptive Essay. After reviewing instructor feedback from your Descriptive Essay Draft, revise, edit, and proofread your draft to produce a polished descriptive essay. The body of the Final Descriptive Essay must be 500 to 600 words in length (approximately two body pages), and it must have a title page. The essay must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center, located within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar, in your online course.
Your revised, Final Descriptive Essay must:
a. Demonstrate effective techniques of description as outlined in your textbook.
b. Support your thesis statement by utilizing effective evidence and details.
c. Demonstrate logical order.
d. Be proofread for grammatical, mechanical, and stylistic errors.
e. Incorporate feedback provided by your instructor or teaching assistant.
f. Meet the requirements outlined in the “Course Grading” section, found in the left navigation of the course, for preparing and formatting papers
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