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PSY 326 Week 5 Quiz

Penulis : Unknown on пятница, 27 марта 2015 г. | 08:22

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1. Dr. Grey is conducting a research study in which she has assigned her participants to conditions prior to the experiment.  She has flipped a coin to determine if each participant is in condition A or B until she has an equivalent number of participants in each condition.  What procedure has this investigator used?
2. ____________________ is a criterion for judging external validity which indicates the research replicates the psychological conditions of the real world
3. A(n) ___________ occurs when the effect of an independent variable on a dependent variable depends on the level of another independent variable
4. ______________ assesses the degree to which our results can be attributed to our independent variables.
5. Kyle has completed an experiment on whether knowing a person’s sexual orientation influences appraisal of that person.  Half his participants are told a job candidate is gay while the other half are told he is straight.  They all watch the same interview and assess his suitability for a specific job.  Kyle discovers that 75% participants in the “gay” condition are male, while only 30% in the “straight” condition are male.  Which of the following best describes this gender difference?
6. ____________________ is a threat to the internal validity of an experiment as researchers can see what they expect to see, leading to bias in favor of their hypotheses.
7. ____________ is a threat to internal validity that occurs when developmental or other changes unrelated to the experiment are mistakenly thought to be the result of the independent variable
8. A researcher is conducting a research study in which he is concerned about verbal ability differences across the conditions of his experiment.  As a result, the first participants complete a verbal learning task that ranks based on their score on this task.  The researcher then randomly assigns participants to conditions, ensuring that his groups are equivalent on this task in the end. What procedure has this investigator used?
9. ____________ is a threat to internal validity that occurs when events outside of the experiment influence participants and can have an effect on the dependent variable.
10. Dr. Madison is conducting an experiment in which he is interested in the effects of the drug lorazepam on working memory in adult participants.  He conducts an experiment in which he gives one group a pill containing 5mg of the drug and a second group a placebo pill.  One hour following drug administration, he has the participants complete the Operations Span Task.  The “placebo group” is best characterized as:
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