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1. According to Friedman, this is an example of a woman staying in a relationship because of “higher loyalties
2. According to Held, the following have been aligned with femininity in the history of Western thought
3. In Held’s article, a thinker named Annette Baier claims that the history of Western ethical thought does not take into account feminine aspects because
4. Held uses this examples to talk about the political distinctions that separate men and women in the realms of the public and the private
5. According to Held, feminist theorists claim that laws in society and those that govern human behavior
6. According to Gilligan, stages five and six of Kohlberg’s analysis of moral development involve
7. In Gilligan’s example, the child named Amy focuses on this aspect of the Heinz dilemma
8. Current theorists on abuse claim that abused women should not be considered “victims” but this
9. Why do some social theorists claim that we should stop asking the question, “Why do women stay in abusive relationships?”
10. Noddings claims that most young men join the military for which of the following reasons
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