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PHI 208 Week 5 Media Quiz (Variant 9)
1. This is the name of being aware of one’s appearance in relation to position, light, who is watching, etc
2. According to the video “Reinforcing Gender Stereotypes Through Advertising” a study indicated that women in commercials are displayed as
3. This is one way that men can contribute to the destruction of sexual objectification of women
4. This Disney film includes racial stereotypes of African Americans
5. This commercial focuses on the safety of women while trying to sell this product
6. In the video “Sexism in the News Media 2012” some newscasters blame military women for this
7. Women in Afghanistan sometimes light themselves on fire in the attempt to escape this
8. This Disney film includes racial stereotypes of Native Americans
9. According to the video “Female Stereotypes in Disney Films,” this Disney princess teaches girls that they need to be domestic
10. La Shawn Barber claims that a leader should
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