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PHI 208 Week 1 Reading Quiz (Variant 8)
1. According to Rachels, many people accept the conventional doctrine because they believe:
2. According to Midgley, moral isolationism
3. According to Midgely, moral isolationism leads to
4. Foot defines a negative duty as:
5. If the Ring of Gyges really existed,
6. Foot claims that negative duties are:
7. Rachels claims that when infants with Down’s syndrome are denied necessary operations, this is typically because:
8. The conventional doctrine is endorsed by:
9. According to Glaucon, justice is based on
10. Glaucon thinks that deep in our hearts we all believe that
11. Rachels argues that the conventional doctrine:
12. Midgley thinks that although we can understand or appreciate other societies,
13. Glaucon seems to think that people are
14. If Glaucon is correct, then justice is
15. Foot claims that in the Rescue cases:
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