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PHI 103 Week 5 Final Exam (Variant 3)

Penulis : Unknown on пятница, 27 марта 2015 г. | 08:12

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1. For John Dewey, open-minded inquiry is:
2. When reading a philosophy text, the following would be a question a good student would ask while reading:
3. This is the main question that DuBois wants to examine in this essay
4. In the dialogue, Socrates claims that one must be removed from this in order to grasp the higher intellectual virtues:
5. When making inferences, it is important to:
6. Although she was angry with her sister’s position on gay marriage, Tenisha recognized that she could be wrong and needed to do more research before she drew a conclusion on this issue.  Tenisha displayed which intellectual trait?
7. This person has a fanatical commitment to ideas and beliefs that can lead to negative outcomes and/or harmful behavior:
8. Good critical thinkers:
9. The theme of DuBois’ essay is best captured by which of the following statements
10. Paul and Elder claim that all reasoning:
11. Computers have made our lives easier.
12. Hooray!
13. Do your best.
14. Do you want to drive the minivan to the movies?
15. Was it time for you to leave?
16. If we go to the movies, we will need to drive the minivan.
17. Do as we say.
18. Does the nature of reality consist in an ultimately creative impulse?
19. Why are women less likely to have heart attacks?
20. If you cannot understand the truth value of a claim, then it is not a proposition.
21. All dogs are warm-blooded. All warm-blooded creatures are mammals. Hence, all dogs are mammals.
True or False: The sentence, “Hence, all dogs are mammals,” is a premise in this argument.
22. I know that Stephen has a lot of money. His parents drive Mercedes. His dogs wear cashmere sweaters, and he paid cash for his Hummer.
True or False: The statement, “His parents drive Mercedes,” is the conclusion of the argument.
23. Football is the best sport. The athletes are amazing, and it is extremely complex.
True or False: This argument has 1 premise.
24. That candidate was caught in an election scandal and has little experience. You should not vote for him. Besides, his positions on the issues are terrible.
Which of the following is the conclusion of the argument?
25. This is not the best of all possible worlds, because the best of all possible worlds would not contain suffering, and this world contains much suffering.
True or False: This argument has two premises.
26. Joe must make a lot of money teaching philosophy, since most philosophy professors are rich.
True or False: There is no conclusion in these two propositions.
27. Guns are necessary. Guns protect people. They give people confidence that they can defend themselves. They also ensure that the government will not be able to take over its citizenry.
True or False: “Guns protect people,” is the conclusion of this argument.
28. For an arrow to reach its target, it must make it halfway to its target after it has been shot. However, once it is halfway, it must then make it half of that distance to reach the target.  It will continue to have to reach halfway of each concurrent length. Therefore, the arrow can never reach its target.
True or False: The first sentence is the conclusion of this argument.
29. All doctors are people who are committed to enhancing the health of their patients. No people who purposely harm others can consider themselves to be doctors. It follows that some people who harm others do not enhance the health of their patients.
Which of the following is the conclusion of this argument?
30. God must exist for there can be no other explanation for the order and complexity of the world. Some say there is no proof, but to me the proof is all around us.
The conclusion of this argument is:
31. We should go to see Avatar tonight.  I hear that it has amazing special effects.
32. They charge more for their services.  However, they do such a good job that it is well worth the money.
33. I felt fine until I missed lunch.  I must be feeling tired because I don’t have anything in my stomach.
34. We should go to the beach today.  It’s sunny.  The dolphins are out, and I have a bottle of fine wine.
35. The farmers in Poland have produced over 500 bushels of wheat on average the past 10 years.  This year they will produce over 500 bushels of wheat.
36. The study of philosophy makes your soul more slender, healthier, and beautiful.  You should study philosophy.
37. If she wanted me to buy her a drink, she would’ve looked over at me.  But she never looked over at me.  So that means that she doesn’t want me to buy her a drink.
38. Since all philosophers are seekers of truth, it follows that no evil human is a seeker after truth, since no philosophers are evil humans.
39. Stephen has a diploma that says he graduated from the University of California.  Therefore, Stephen must have attended the University of California.
40. Football is the best sport.  The athletes are amazing, and it is extremely complex.
41. “If I cheat on a curved test, I’ll get a better grade, so if we all cheat on the test we will all get better grades.”
42. “Houses in the U.S. with storm cellars are more often hit by tornadoes, so you shouldn’t get a storm cellar.”
43. I wouldn’t listen to Bob.  After all, he’s just a mechanic.
44. “Did you see the men land on the moon? Then how can you be so sure that it happened?”
45. Politician: “We either decide to keep the handgun laws in the city limits and maintain peace, or we revoke the laws and let the city become a modern day Wild West.”
46. “Everyone likes ‘Friends’ so it must be a good show.”
47. “If I give this homeless person a dollar then I’ll have to give the next guy a dollar and so forth … I’ll end up broke!”
48. Sloan: “Dude you play way too many videogames.”
John: “Whatever bro! When Eternal Death Slayer III came out you were waiting in line outside the store for four hours to be the first to get it.
49. I am pro-choice because I don’t think that women should have no rights in our society.
50. “You are only opposed to welfare reform because you are rich.”
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