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PHI 103 Week 4 Quiz 1 (Variant 3)

Penulis : Unknown on пятница, 27 марта 2015 г. | 08:15

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1. “There is no solid scientific evidence for the existence of spirits; so they don’t exist.”
2. “Which are you going to do – help your mother or be a lazy bum?”
3. Sloan: “Dude you play way too many videogames.”
John: “Whatever bro! When Eternal Death Slayer III came out you were waiting in line outside the store for four hours to be the first to get it.
4. “We should have prescription drug care – would you want your grandma to suffer?”
5. Radio Announcer: “I’ll tell you what, I am appalled that this new bill about the economy is even being looked at by Congress!  The bureaucrats in Washington want us all to just sit around and forget about the fact that every day we are getting closer to losing this great nation.  I think you’ll agree with me that I don’t want our nation to collapse because a bunch of sissies are worried about people who don’t care about our country anyway!
6. “Are you a terrible person because of your upbringing?”
7. Spouse: “I know that you get angry a lot.  I’m sure that pretty soon you will hit me or something.  And what are we gonna do when we have kids?  You will probably beat them until they run out of the house and I will be left childless and abused!
8. Tom: Early humans had a simple form of music played on instruments made from animal bones and  skins.
Boris: How do you know that?
Tom: Well, no one has proved that they didn’t.
9. Friend: “It can’t be time to go to class, this game is amazing.”
10. Tommy Toker: “Laws against drug use are such a waste.  There will always be ways for people to get their hands on drugs no matter how many laws we pass.”
11. “You only think that Stanford is better because you went there.”
12. “Michael Jordan wears Hanes, so they must be the best.”
13. “The last two summers were record heat therefore global warming will soon kill us all.”
14. “Most Americans support this policy, so it must be right.”
15. “If you are born in the U.S. then you are a U.S. citizen. You were not born in the U.S. so you are not a U.S. citizen.”
16. “You only oppose her policies because you lost the election to her.”
17. “Why do I think that abortion should be illegal?  That doesn’t matter.  What matters is why you think you think it should be legal?”
18. “I am opposed to abortion because Jim is prochoice, and he’s an idiot!”
19. “If I give this homeless person a dollar then I’ll have to give the next guy a dollar and so forth … I’ll end up broke!”
20. “If you don’t pay attention in class you won’t do well on the test. You didn’t do well on the test, so you must not have paid attention in class.”
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