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PHI 103 Week 4 Quiz 1 (Variant 2)

Penulis : Unknown on пятница, 27 марта 2015 г. | 08:25

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1. I am pro-choice because I don’t think that women should have no rights in our society.
2. “Ice cream is bad because it’s unhealthy.”
3. “Look at this picture of an aborted fetus … how can you support abortion?!!”
4. Sloan: “Dude you play way too many videogames.”
John: “Whatever bro! When Eternal Death Slayer III came out you were waiting in line outside the store for four hours to be the first to get it.
5. After I had been in a coma for ten days after my accident, the swelling in my brain went down right after the priest put holy water on my forehead.  The water healed me.
6. Spouse: “I know that you get angry a lot.  I’m sure that pretty soon you will hit me or something.  And what are we gonna do when we have kids?  You will probably beat them until they run out of the house and I will be left childless and abused!
7. That football team is great. Jim is on that team, so Jim is a great football player.”
8. July is the month during which more ice cream is sold than any other time of the year. This is also the month which has the highest crime rate. Therefore, to curb crime, we should ban sales of ice cream during July.
9. “I don’t think that we should bomb innocent people in order to steal their oil.”
10. Radio Announcer: “I’ll tell you what, I am appalled that this new bill about the economy is even being looked at by Congress!  The bureaucrats in Washington want us all to just sit around and forget about the fact that every day we are getting closer to losing this great nation.  I think you’ll agree with me that I don’t want our nation to collapse because a bunch of sissies are worried about people who don’t care about our country anyway!
11. “If you don’t pay attention in class you won’t do well on the test. You didn’t do well on the test, so you must not have paid attention in class.”
12. Jeff: “I think that it is sacrilegious to tell children that a bunny drops off eggs on Easter morning.  This totally detracts from the true meaning of Easter.”
Steve: “C’mon man!  Everybody puts out eggs for their kids on Easter.”
13. Jessica: “I hear that the new girl Denise is really nice, maybe we should talk to her.”
Oprah: “I already did, and you know what, she seems a little stuck up.”
14. PTA Parent #1: “Should school kids say the Pledge of Allegiance before class?  Certainly, why shouldn’t they?”
15. “The last two summers were record heat therefore global warming will soon kill us all.”
16. Tommy Toker: “Laws against drug use are such a waste.  There will always be ways for people to get their hands on drugs no matter how many laws we pass.”
17. “If Brad Pitt’s children go that elementary school, it must be the best school in Los Angeles.”
18. Friend: “It can’t be time to go to class, this game is amazing.”
19. “Why do I think that abortion should be illegal?  That doesn’t matter.  What matters is why you think you think it should be legal?”
20. “Everyone likes ‘Friends’ so it must be a good show.”
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