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PHI 103 Week 4 Media Quiz (Variant 3)

Penulis : Unknown on пятница, 27 марта 2015 г. | 08:17

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1. Alain Finkielkraut claims that the following are forms of expression that should not be free
2. A straw man argument does the following:
3. Tariq Ramadan claims that European states do not need new laws.
4. Self-destructive man in the clip from Waking Life ends his life by shooting himself.
5. David Cesarani would agree most with which of the following statements about freedom of expression?
6. Tariq Ramadan claims which of the following about speech:
7. Lisa Appignanesi claims that freedom of expression does not include the right to blaspheme against religion.
8. Kenan Malik would agree most with which of the following statements about freedom of speech:
9. Francesca Klug would agree most with which of the following claims:
10. Weasel words are used to logically support claims about the topic that is being discussed.
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