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SOC 312 Week 1 Quiz

Penulis : Unknown on вторник, 24 февраля 2015 г. | 05:23

вторник, 24 февраля 2015 г.

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1. The five systems of Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Model operate independently of the child
2. Technology has not had a big impact on children growing up today
3. Who applied the principles of classical conditioning to children’s learning?
4. Scaffolding is a term that is associated with the apprenticeship method of socialization
5. Which of the following learning perspectives address the process of socialization?
6. The ________________________ method of socialization deals with an individual’s relationships with others:
7. The community is part of the mesosystem in Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model
8. The degree of guilt a person feels when he or she fails to stick to a personal code of conduct is called
9. Children acquire gender stereotypes and show preferences for specific kinds of toys between which of the following age groups?
10. Reinforcement can be either positive or negative
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SOC 312 Week 2 Quiz

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1. Infants as young as 12 months of age demonstrate prosocial behaviors
2. Which stage of attachment is defined when an child begins to understand the process by which parents come and go throughout the day
3. The ________________ contribution refers to social influences on gender development.
4. Children’s toy selections demonstrate gender ____________________ as young as 18 months of age.
5. One of the ways that we now know that children begin to learn and understand that they do exist separate from other people and objects is the idea of object permanence.
6. ___________________ helping involves providing unrewarded assistance with a goal in mind.
7. ____________ is an inborn motive to explore, understand, and control one’s environment.
8. Toddlers with poor self-regulation skills are less likely to demonstrate behavior problems in preschool.
9. According to Bem, the mastery of gender identity is required before gender schema development begins
10. ________theory posits that one can learn to perform a behavior by watching someone else perform that same behavior
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SOC 312 Week 3 Quiz

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1. Symbolic thought is a term coined by Piaget to mean the ability to use mental representations such as words, numbers, or images to attach meaning
2. Erikson’s third stage of psychosocial development is characterized by this central task.
3. Maya’s parents promised to buy her a new bicycle if she helped with the household chores. She has been helping her parents by picking up her toys and putting her clothes in the hamper. Maya’s behavior is being driven by
4. Tabbie is watching other children on the playground as they play in the sandbox. This is an example of __________________ play.
5. A child’s failure to understand that certain operations or actions can be reversed
6. A term coined by Piaget to mean the ability to use mental representations such as words, numbers, or images to attach meaning
7. During the preschool period, children interact differently with friends compared to non-friends
8. By definition, the microsystem is the context of moral development
9. Once gender schema is formed, children are expected to act in ways that conform to traditional gender roles
10. Rhonda has an external ________. This means that she believes she has little control over her own successes and failures
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SOC 312 Week 4 Quiz

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1. Gender differences in school-aged children’s _________ have been well documented
2. _____can influence a child’s achievement motivations
3. Shy children in countries like the United States are likely to be seen as socially inept
4. According to Bronfenbrenner, a child’s microsystem has a great impact on the child’s self esteem
5. Sonja loves to wear her pink tutu every day. She refuses to take it off, even at bed or when it is snowing. Sonja is demonstrating what
6. Moira is new to school. The popular girls ignore her at lunch time, and whisper to one another when she passes them at recess. Moira is a victim of ____________ bullying
7. School-aged children who have high expectations of themselves have a tendency to stay with a task longer and end up performing better on that task than a child who has low expectations of themselves
8. Babak is ten years old, and most of his friends are girls. Babak’s choice of friends would tend to make him less popular with his male peers
9. A school-aged child who attributes their performance or behavior to an external locus of control attributes the responsibility for the behavior to his or herself
10. Family plays a small role in the development of a school-aged child’s self-esteem
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SOC 312 Week 5 Quiz

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1. With regard to media in the United States, one of the most influential aspects of the ________ concerns the laws that dictate what is and is not allowed within the broad media context
2. ______ and low student academic performance are indicators that a home is less likely to have computers and internet access
3. Which of the following is not characteristic of teacher responsibilities, as discussed in the text?
4. Which of the following is not a parenting style discussed in the text?
5. Extensive television viewing can be associated with communication issues within the microsystem
6. Carmella is affectionate with her children, but also expresses high expectations for them. Carmella’s parenting style is best described
7. On-line communication does not pose any dangers to children
8. Young people use music to help regulate and express their feelings
9. ________was specifically created to foster children’s learning.
10. Divorce has a direct impact on a child’s microsystem
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SOC 315 Week 1 Quiz

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1. The interactions between politics and culture are best captured with this concept
2. The __________ dimension of culture places the strongest emphasis on the importance of social institutions
3. Kenyan activist Wangari Maathai’s main work was based on connections she saw in her country between
4. A ____________ is an unwritten rule that dictates that a certain behavior is or is not acceptable
5. The Republic of Macedonia (the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) has encountered substantial resistance over what it should be formally called from this country
6. The pocketbook voter model holds that voters ____________ during tough economic times
7. Political leaders will likely play the greatest role in shaping the political agenda in a(n) _________ country
8. Of the following, which has had the greatest impact in shaping China’s culture?
9. For sociologists, a(n) _______ is something that a person accepts as true, but is not fully supported by facts or logical reasoning
10. Of the following ideologies, which most champions the importance of a government with limited powers?
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SOC 315 Week 2 Quiz

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1. Alexander the Great ruled the __________ Empire
2. In the 1860s, Arab nationalism focused on
3. Afghanistan:
4. Which of the following statements about Progressivism is NOT true?
5. Losing conflicts such as the first Anglo-Chinese War led to a Chinese legacy of calling the ___ century the “century of humiliation.”
6. Liberalism and democratic revolutions first became widespread in _________ in the ___ century.
7. Slaves were imported to the Americas primarily because:
8. Most countries in Central Europe are classified economically as:
9. The way a society remembers and constructs its past is best captured by which of the following terms?
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SOC 315 Week 3 Quiz

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1. Under the process of “devolution,” the United Kingdom:
2. In 1917 Russia, the revolution led by Vladimir Lenin:
3. The most important political tensions in Belgium in recent years have been between:
4. Which of the following statements about fossil fuels is NOT true?
5. Samuel Huntington thinks that, at the most basic level, international relations is driven by:
6. The process of Europeanization:
7. The government of present-day Russia can be BEST characterized as:
8. Nativists in the United States:
9. Anthropogenic greenhouse gases:
10. Which country is NOT a member of the European Union?
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SOC 315 Week 4 Quiz

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1. Spanish conquistadors in Mexico:
2. The return of Hong Kong to China:
3. Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party:
4. Islam’s holy cities of Medina and Mecca are in:
5. Ultimately, political power in China resides with the:
6. The slave trade that furnished slaves for the Americas got those slaves primarily from:
7. Compared to the bureaucracies of most Western governments, the bureaucracy of Japan’s government:
8. The Bedouin:
9. Which association of a region/country and a dominant religion is incorrect?
10. Japan’s Yasukini shrine is controversial primarily because:
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MGT 450 Week 1 Quiz

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1. Which of the following is a good reason to have a formal set of corporate values?
2. A company’s strategy is the same as its business model.
3. Which of the following comes closest to defining a mental model?
4. What is the best reason to acquire a company?
5. Which of the following is not a strategic alliance?
6. Vision statements that include a timeframe in which the vision might be achieved are more useful than those that don’t.
7. Every company that does business in the US must have its financial statements audited.
8. Which of the following is not a legitimate role of top management?
9. Robert Allio, who has written books on leadership, advises that future leaders possess three attributes:
10. What is the definition of strategy used throughout the book?
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MGT 450 Week 1 Quiz (Variant 2)

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1. Leaders can derive their power from several sources; which of the following is not one of them?
2. Which of the following comes closest to defining a mental model?
3. What is the best reason to acquire a company?
4. Once formed, a company’s culture is very hard to change.
5. Any CEO running a company is a strategic leader.
6. To which type of culture does being innovative and entrepreneurial belong?
7. Which of these is typically not a measure of success for a corporation?
8. Every company that does business in the US must have its financial statements audited.
9. All US public companies are regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) even though they are in competitive, unregulated industries
10. Promoting from within is not only less costly but helps retain managerial and leadership talent in the company.
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MGT 450 Week 1 Quiz (Variant 3)

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1. Under which condition is a matrix organization not the best one?
2. Finding a mentor is absolutely essential in developing oneself as a leader.
3. Robert Allio, who has written books on leadership, advises that future leaders possess three attributes
4. Mergers and acquisitions are the same.
5. What is the definition of strategy used throughout the book?
6. Every company that does business in the US must have its financial statements audited.
7. Which of the following is not regulated?
8. Why is doing strategic planning so difficult?
9. Which of the following is not a legitimate role of top management?
10. What is strategic planning?
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MGT 450 Week 2 Quiz

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1. When looking at environmental data, it is important to:
2. Talking to customers is one of the most overlooked ways of discovering new opportunities.
3. The dimensions of Abell’s three-dimensional business-definition model are:
4. Which of the following is not an economic variable?
5. Competitors in an industry that produce more or less the same product have bargaining power over their buyers.
6. Which of the following is not a part of market analysis?
7. Which of the following is not a barrier to entry?
8. Which of the following is not an industry driving force?
9. Critical-Success-Factor (CSF) analysis is one of the few analytical tools available to compare one’s company with its competitors on factors important in the industry.
10. Finding a “blue ocean” or “situational monopoly” is a legitimate part of strategic thinking.
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MGT 450 Week 2 Quiz (Variant 2)

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1. A situational monopoly is one of the following
2. When looking at environmental data, it is important to
3. A company that is not actively pursuing opportunities won’t be in business very long
4. Strategic thinking is best done during the annual strategic-planning process
5. Value innovation seeks to pursue differentiation and low-cost simultaneously
6. Competitors in an industry that produce more or less the same product have bargaining power over their buyers
7. Which of the following is not an economic variable?
8. Which factor is typically not included in an industry-attractiveness analysis?
9. What is at the core of blue-ocean strategy?
10. Which of the following is not an industry driving force?
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MGT 450 Week 2 Quiz (Variant 3)

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1. A strategy canvas can depict the relative performance across key competitive factors for both an industry and a particular company or group of companies.
2. Market share and industry share are different
3. Which of the following cannot be deduced from a strategic-group map?
4. What is the term for a collection of competitors that produces similar or substitute products or services to a defined market?
5. Which of the following is not an industry driving force?
6. Any company depicted in a strategic-group map can compete with any other.
7. When looking at environmental data, it is important to:
8. Which building block is not among the nine that comprise the business-model canvas?
9. The feeling that the future is beyond one’s control and that there is nothing one can do to change it is having a normative attitude about the future.
10. Which of the following is a critical success factor (CSF)?
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MGT 450 Week 3 Quiz

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1. Which of the following is not an example of a trend?
2. If a company has a good brand, it doesn’t need to have a customer-value proposition
3. A company that has to develop and establish multiple brands is in multiple businesses.
4. Which of the following is not part of a thorough financial analysis?
5. Which of the following is an example of a strength?
6. A company has to be both performing well financially and be in good financial condition in order for it to be well managed financially.
7. A strategic issue is:
8. Internal value chains need more analysis than external value chains
9. Which of the following is not a criterion when choosing the best bundle?
10. Which statement is untrue about brand equity?
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MGT 450 Week 3 Quiz (Variant 2)

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1. Which of the following is not a strategy?
2. A multidomestic strategy is similar to a transnational strategy.
3. Choosing a preferred strategy makes sense not only because one can then defend the choice as being the best one, but also because, in Michael Porter’s words, “the essence of strategy is choosing what not to do.”
4. Which of the following is an activity ratio?
5. Which of the following is not a criterion when choosing the best bundle?
6. Which key area could be omitted when evaluating a company’s leaders?
7. Which of the following is not an opportunity presented by external value chains?
8. Which of the following is not a company weakness?
9. Which element is not a part of an internal analysis?
10. Which of the following is an example of a strength?
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MGT 450 Week 3 Quiz (Variant 3)

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1. Which of the following is not a strength?
2. Which of the following is not a company weakness?
3. Which of the following is not a criterion when choosing the best bundle?
4. Which of the following is not a strategy?
5. Internal value chains need more analysis than external value chains.
6. Which of the following is an example of a strength?
7. If a company has a good brand, it doesn’t need to have a customer-value proposition.
8. Which of the following is not part of a thorough financial analysis?
9. The G.E. Matrix is a plot of industry attractiveness against company strategy.
10. What are Z- and Z2-scores?
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MGT 450 Week 4 Quiz

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1. Which of the following is not a good reason to use the Criteria Matrix?
2. Triggers must be external and quantitative.
3. Which aspect is not typically included in operational plans?
4. The best criteria to use for evaluating strategic alternatives are those that the company perceives as contributing to “success.”
5. Michael Raynor’s paradox states that companies cannot change their strategies quickly enough when the environment is changing rapidly.
6. Which of the following is an example of a partial objective?
7. Which of the following is not a criterion when choosing the best bundle?
8. Which of the following is not a good reason to engage a strategic-planning consultant?
9. Doing research and collecting data on a number of external and internal environmental categories—and then sharing that information—improves the quality of the strategic decisions made.
10. Strategies without objectives, like objectives without strategies, cannot be properly evaluated.
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MGT 450 Week 4 Quiz (Variant 2)

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1. Which of the following makes strategy execution easy?
2. Which of the following is not a condition for creating a good contingency?
3. One cannot judge a strategy without knowing the objectives—and vice versa.
4. Policies are a useful guide to formulating strategies.
5. During implementation, at the first sign of trouble, the strategy should be changed.
6. Which of the following is not effective in a reward and incentive program?
7. Strategic planning can still be effective if the culture is not adaptive and innovative.
8. The board of directors should be involved in operational planning
9. Setting objectives before deciding on a strategy provides more options and direction.
10. Objectives that are set should ideally be challenging to achieve, i.e., “stretch” objectives.
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MGT 450 Week 4 Quiz (Variant 3)

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1. Ultimate responsibility for the strategic direction of the company rests with the CEO.
2. Which of the following statements is not true about operational planning?
3. During implementation, at the first sign of trouble, the strategy should be changed.
4. Which of the following is not a key strategic decision made during strategic planning?
5. Which of the following is not a good reason to use the Criteria Matrix?
6. Achieving companywide objectives or other measures of success means that the company has become a stronger competitor.
7. The performance of any system is the sum of the performance of its parts considered separately.
8. Which of the following is not a control system or part of one?
9. An adaptive culture is high on which trait?
10. GANTT charts and PERT (critical path) software achieve the same purpose.
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MGT 435 Week 1 Quiz

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1. Which of the following is a Type 1 error that managers sometimes make in response to their perceptions of external e change?
2. Organizational change is most likely to occur in an ethical fashion when team members
3. Which of the following frameworks of effective organizational change is most popularly used on a global scale?
4. Which of the following is not an example of a “socio-culture “force affecting organizational competitiveness?
5. The group or individual who can affect or be affected by actions of an organization is known as
6. Which of the following is an example of proactive change?
7. Which of the following most accurately characterizes the general goal of planned organizational  change?
8. True or false?  Only the very largest corporate firms are required to address issues related to organizational change.
9. Which of the following types of change involves improvement upon what already exists?
10. Which of the following types of change consists of an implementation to achieve a known desired state that differs from an existent one?
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MGT 435 Week 2 Quiz

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1. According to Worley and Cummings (2001), the “Action Research Model” for planned change
2. Resistance to organizational change can
3. Change interventions are typically
4. First-order (adaptive) changes are
5. Which organizational change model asserts that there is no one right or best strategy that can predict organizational success?
6. Which of the following is true about the fact that people often resist change?
7. The task of preparing people for organizational change typically falls upon
8. True or false?  The “Appreciative Inquiry Model” has practical, not merely theoretical, application.
9. In the “The Organizational life-Cycle Model,” growth through delegation typically occurs
10. Which of the following would increase an individual’s or group’s inclination to support change?
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MGT 435 Week 3 Quiz

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1. Which of the following was the first step employed by CEO Larry Bossidy, in his bid to turn around AlliedSignal, Inc., in 1991?
2. The highest position on both axes of the “Stakeholder Matrix” is held by which of the following stakeholder types?
3. True or False?  The implementation process begins before the plan is communicated throughout the organization.
4. According to the “Stakeholder Matrix,” if the stakeholder is assessed as “Non-Supportive,” which of the following strategies should be used?
5. HP’s Leo Apotheker’s bid to move the company entirely out of the PC business resulted in most stakeholders assuming which position on the “Stakeholder Matrix”?
6. True or false?  The type of intervention that will be most effective is dependent upon the particular organizational dimensions.
7. Bossidy’s plan to make AllideSignal a distinctive, successful, premier global company is an example of which aspect of the “Five Dimensions of Leading & Managing Change” model?
8. Which American motor company did CEO Alan Mulally join to implement major change in 2006?
9. True or false?  When aligning people with an organization’s vision, leaders should consider nonfinancial, as well as financial, incentives.
10. Which of the following is an example of a hard goal?
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MGT 435 Week 4 Quiz

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1. In order to facilitate the recruitment of the right talent, ”branding” is especially important for
2. An “executive information system (EIS)” is best described as
3. “Needs-based positioning” refers to
4. “Variety-based positioning” refers to
5. True or false?  “Data warehousing” refers to the high-tech analysis of a company’s data in order to make better strategic decisions.
6. Which of the following is an example of a “spinout organization”?
7. The concept of “creative destruction” refers to
8. “Access-based positioning” refers to
9. “Level 5 Leadership” style refers to leaders who tend to be
10. Lawler and Worley (2006) suggest that in order to maintain long-term competitive advantage, organizations should continuously
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MGT 435 Week 5 Quiz

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1. The willingness to learn from experience and apply what is learned to perform successfully under new conditions is known as
2. Which of the following is a typical quality of an “agile” organization?
3. One key virtue of a “learning organization” is to
4. True or false?  The “systems thinking” approach can serve to prevent and reduce “learning disabilities”
5. Which of Woolner’s (1995) five stages that an organization passes through on the way to becoming a learning organization applies primarily to start-ups?
6. True or false?  The biggest challenge faced by learning organizations comes from external threats
7. True or false?  In the modern environment of effective organizational leadership, communication and collaboration take priority over dictatorial authority.
8. In Rowden’s (2009) four traits of learning organizations, continuous planning, reflection, and adjustment exemplifies
9. A case where marketing blames sales for a problem, and sales blames marketing for the same problem, is an example of the which of the following “learning disabilities”?
10. The use of past experience to influence future actions is known as which of the following approaches to learning?
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ENG 122 Week 1 Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography. An annotated bibliography begins the preliminary research process. The document will serve as an ongoing list of sources that will support your Final Research Paper. Each of the sources should be cited in APA format and should include a two-paragraph summary, or annotation, of the resource contents and how you intend to use the information within your paper. Be sure to utilize the information from this week’s “Argument and Thesis Workshop” discussion and refer to the Research Paper Guidelines, available in your online course, for additional support.
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ENG 122 Week 1 DQ 1 What is an Argument

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What Is an Argument?. After reading the “Classic and Rogerian Arguments” material, define the term argument in your own words and describe your own style of argument. Then, compare and contrast your style with at least one additional argumentative strategy and/or rhetorical ploy. Refer to this week’s readings and materials to inform your assertions. Will your current style of argument be effective in an academic setting? Which strategy would be most effective and relevant for this class?
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ENG 122 Week 1 DQ 2 Argument and Thesis Statement Workshop

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Argument and Thesis Statement Workshop. Select one of the thirty approved writing prompts for your Final Research Paper from the Research Paper Guidelines document, available in your online course. Your persuasive argument will be presented through a well-written thesis statement. Consider your chosen writing prompt, the available research, and the definition of argument as you prepare a working thesis statement. Also, reflect on the thesis statement and topic sentences presented in the “Who Stole the American Dream?”
Share your one- to two-sentence thesis statement and your key word list with the class by Day 3. Be sure to provide a critique of your thesis using the Thesis Checklist, available in your online course, and Ashford Writing Center (AWC) resources to guide your evaluation. Explain in detail how your thesis aligns with the requirements on the checklist and the AWC resources. Feel free to revise your thesis statement throughout the week and share your progress in the discussion forum.
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ENG 122 Week 1 Quiz

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1. Choose the best topic sentence.
2. What is the best way to describe the concept of a “community of thinkers”?
3. Which thesis statement offers a strong position for a persuasive paper?
4. Failure to correctly identify the difference between scholarly and popular sources can lead to all of the following consequences EXCEPT:
5. Choose the best thesis statement.
6. Which of the following is the BEST definition of small-scale research project?
7. Using “natural language” in a database search is MOST likely to produce WHICH of the following results?
8. Research skills are primarily valued for which of the following reasons?
9. Creative thinkers offer which of the following necessary skills to a research project?
10. Which of the following does NOT describe the credibility of scholarly sources?
11. Which of the following is NOT a reason to use subject-specific databases?
12. We can expect that the work of research will NOT provide us with which of the following?
13. The use of precise synonyms is MOST helpful for which of the following reasons?
14. The concept of “search construction” allows researchers to do all of the following, EXCEPT:
15. A thesis statement can be written as a question.
16. Course textbooks are useful resources for all of the following reasons, EXCEPT
17. When starting your search for peer reviewed scholarly sources, which of the following types of databases is your BEST choice?
18. Which of the following strategies is NOT used to narrow a subject search?
19. Which of the following is UNLIKELY to help the reader find BASIC information on a topic?
20. Which of the following BEST describes the use of subjectivity and opinions in a research project?
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ENG 122 Week 2 DQ 1 Forms of Argument

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Forms of Argument. After reviewing the “Classic and Rogerian Arguments” document, available in your online course, discuss how to place your tentative essay into either Aristotle’s classical form of argument or the Rogerian argument style. Your initial post must justify the placement of your material and describe the material’s intended effect on the audience.
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ENG 122 Week 2 DQ 2 Paraphrasing and Quoting

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Paraphrasing and Quoting. Create a topic sentence and a body paragraph that will support your thesis statement. Your paragraph must include paraphrased information and a direct quote. Each of these elements must be incorporated into your paragraph with proper APA in-text citations. In addition, create an APA-formatted reference list for the sources noted in the body of your paragraph. At the end of your paragraph, provide the original text that you are paraphrasing. Share your paragraph and the original text by pasting them into the forum as your initial post by Day 3. Be sure to refer to the Ashford Writing Center (AWC) and this week’s recommended resources for information related to in-text citations and references.
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ENG 122 Week 2 Final Research Paper Outline

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Final Research Paper Outline. Your assignment will begin with an APA-style title page followed by a formal outline that presents your thesis statement, topic sentences, and supporting information for each topic. You will need to refer to your Annotated Bibliography to locate appropriate sources for the claims you intend to present and cite these sources the body of your outline and on your reference page. Please check the Research Paper Guidelines, available in your online course, if you have any questions about the assignment topics.
You are required to format your assignment as a full-sentence outline in APA style (see theOutline Form in the Ashford Writing Center) that includes source material from at least two scholarly sources from last week’s research along with additional research, if necessary. Be sure to leverage any useful feedback you have received from your instructor and classmates.
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ENG 122 Week 2 Quiz

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1. Which of the following approaches is MOST helpful during the research process?
2. When making basic marks and marginal comments, which strategy is LEAST helpful?
3. When taking notes to avoid plagiarism, which of the following is NOT suggested?
4. Synthesizing tables are most helpful for WHICH of the following reasons?
5. Marking up your texts while conducting research allows for all of the following EXCEPT
6. What definition BEST describes the relationship between sibling topics and central topics?
7. Which of the following types of sources is LEAST likely to meet your research needs?
8. Which of the following is the LEAST useful type of source?
9. Synthesizing helps writers with WHICH of the following skills?
10. Which of the following reasons is the LEAST likely cause of plagiarism?
11. Limiting the scope of your research project can involve all of the following, EXCEPT
12. Which of the following is NOT recommended when familiarizing yourself with a new field?
13. When starting a writing project, researchers should approach their research topic as all of the following EXCEPT:
14. A good synthesis includes all of the following elements EXCEPT
15. All of the following criteria help writers gauge their interest in a topic, EXCEPT:
16. What can a coherent question provide for you?
17. All of the following are accurate regarding child topics in research, EXCEPT:
18. When reading complex or dull materials, which of the following is the LEAST helpful approach?
19. A researcher can tell that questions are coherent by all of the following results, EXCEPT
20. Which ONE of the following is considered an advanced reading goal?
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ENG 122 Week 3 DQ 1 Toulmin Analysis of an Essay

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Toulmin Analysis of an Essay. After reviewing the Toulmin Analysis document (found in the online classroom), closely read the “Sample Persuasive Paper” in the Ashford Writing Center and submit a Toulmin analysis of the paper. Your initial post should make specific references to the sample persuasive paper and break down the argument by distinct segments described in the Toulmin Analysis document (claim, evidence, warrant, etc).
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