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ESE 315 Week 2 Interview

Penulis : Unknown on вторник, 28 апреля 2015 г. | 08:41

ESE 315 Week 2 Interview
Parent involvement and the relationship parents have with their child’s teacher/school are important for all children. This is especially true for children with disabilities. For this assignment, you will be asked to contact a local preschool, Head Start, or Early Head Start program. You will interview a director, teacher, or parent coordinator to find out how they collaborate and communicate with families who have children with learning differences. Be sure to describe the type of program you gathered information from and the role of the practitioner that you interviewed. Find out the following information:
How do families get information at the time of enrollment? Is there a handbook for the center? What resources does the center offer to families?
What services are available to families in their community and do families get information about these services from the program or school?
How does the center communicate on a day to day basis? For example, is there a family notebook that goes to school and home each day for teachers to touch base? Do they use email? Newsletters?
How does the practitioner view the effectiveness of these communication techniques? What does he/she feel works well? What does not work well?
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